Stanton DeFreitas feels strongly that he benefited greatly from his childhood, in a way that has made every aspect of his life better and more centered. You see, as a child, Stanton was exposed to many different traditions and cultures, and he embraced every one of them. He was born in the Scarborough section of Toronto, Ontario, which is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in one of the most diverse cities in the world. Early on, Stanton DeFrietas realized the benefits of being raised among such diversity early on, and it has made him a better man, in business and elsewhere in his life.

From his experience as a Canadian with Caribbean roots, Stanton DeFreitas has been able to experience and witness a wide variety of cultures and that has made his career as an international business consultant far better than if he hadn’t had those experiences. As far as Stanton is concerned, everyone in the world is affected by culture clashes and he believes strongly that everyone should make a greater effort to become more educated about cultural and ethnic differences. After all, we all need each other to make everything work.